Recognizing widespread prevalence of exclusion and discrimination against the vulnerable sections of society particularly women, children and youths, dalit and tribal in education, employment and governance, ‘Centre for Development Studies and Action’ emerged as an initiative to build a network of these marginalized section from rural and urban grassroots, and to undertake collaborative research, piloting/model-building, policy monitoring and advocacy; embedded in experiences of the excluded communities and with state, civil society organizations and other stakeholders.

In a nutshell Centre for Development Studies and Action is a right based organisation built by a group of professionals working in development sector. Stigma due to their social background, experience of discrimination and exclusion developed in them strong sense of responsibility to bring forward a desirable social change for the development of the most marginalised communities. The members of our team are equipped with core competencies that are required to carry out result based work in the development sector. The team focuses on emancipation of the most discriminated section of the society. The aim of the organisation is to empower socially disadvantage people and bring about social change and participatory democracy through education, awareness, democratic mobilisation and advocacy. Centre for Development Studies and Action believes in the priniciples of liberty, equality and fraternity for creating a just society.